Nursing Shortage 2021: Challenges and Opportunities for New Grads

highlighting challenges and opportunities for new graduates in the field.

It does not take a mathematician to realize why there is a current nursing shortage. At the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic, where confusion was everywhere and treating the virus was in its infancy, nurses were pushed to their very limit. Long hours and endlessly contending with the possibility of losing patients at an alarming rate is a lot on any person. Eventually, it took its toll on the nurses, doctors, and all hospital staff. With so many individuals treated for the virus, many nurses began to contract the virus themselves, leading to further absences and quarantines of those we leaned on most. The nursing shortage of 2021 can be clearly seen and felt everywhere, but the actual numbers speak for themselves.

Statistics on 2021 Nursing Shortage
Nurses across the nation are ranked by state, and generally, we need one nurse for every 1,000 residents. That might sound like a lot for one individual, but keep in mind, every person is not sick at all times, so nurses are not taking care of 1,000 patients at once. It is just a statistic that makes it easier to see if and where there is a shortage.
One of the more striking issues with the nursing shortage of 2021 is how it affects states individually. For instance, California is the primary state where the nursing shortage is considerable. Their current nurse supply is 343,400, with a demand of 387,900 according to the 1,000 residents for every nurse model. That means there is a current shortage of 44,500 nurses in California. The next highest is Texas, with a lack of 15,900 nurses, and New Jersey, with a nurse deficit of 11,400. (

What Aspiring Nurses Need to Know
Nursing is a calling, and when you hear that call, no other job on the planet will match the satisfaction you will feel from becoming a nurse. However, a nursing degree is not an easy thing to achieve. Nurses take most of the same courses a doctor will take. It can be a lot to take on, but the rewards of achieving your goals are unparalleled. Here are just a few things to keep in mind when you begin your nursing school journey.

Workload Overload
One of the main complaints from nursing students is the intense amount of work involved in nursing. There are a lot of courses, and workloads in those courses can be a lot to contend with. However, it is essential that you prioritize your time appropriately to ensure you do not fall behind. Schedule out your workload throughout the day, and do not try to cram for each exam.

Comprehension Over Grades
Grades are important in nursing school, and you should always strive to do your very best, but grades cannot make up for the need for comprehension. Comprehension is where you make your most significant impact. You must understand the concept of the work to ensure you pass the tests.

Reading is Essential
If you are not a reader, you may find it difficult in nursing school. Students must read and study definitions, procedures, case studies, and countless other entities, so be ready to read a lot before signing up.

You Will be Busy
Nursing is not a walk-in-the-park career. The end goal is the ability to take care of others. Understandably, Nursing school is a hectic place with minimal downtime.

Clinicals Do Not Start Right Away
One of the main misconceptions about nursing school is the notion of going straight into clinicals. You will not go right into clinicals. Your instructors want to lay a firm foundation before you are placed in clinicals. Fundamentals are vital in nursing school.

Help Passing the NCLEX
Upon graduating, you will be put to the test, literally with the need to pass the NCLEX. Studying on your own can be a challenge; many students need a little boost to help them do their very best on this important exam. Feuer Nursing Review has been instrumental in helping students pass the NCLEX since 1971, and they want to be there for you as well. Whether you want to become an RN or an LPN, Feuer Nursing Review is there for you. FNR’s study program helps you manage time and understand essential concepts through an easy-to-understand format.

Feuer’s Live Online Review Program gives you the best of both worlds! It consists of 4 days of live online review via Zoom and is followed by 2 months of a self-paced online review. To learn more, please refer to these two links:

Live Online NCLEX-RN Review:

Live Online NCLEX-LPN Review:

If you prefer a more self-paced review, Feuer Nursing Review offers an online course with flexible subscriptions.

Self-Paced Online NCLEX-RN Review:

Self-Paced Online NCLEX-LPN Review:

Once you have completed their course, you will be ready to take on the NCLEX with a newly found confidence.

For those seeking the rewarding career of nursing, there is a lot of work involved, but the rewards are endless. Right now is the perfect time to invest in a nursing career when so many states are seeing a significant shortage. Make a difference in the world with a career in nursing, and let Feuer Nursing Review help prepare you for your NCLEX today.