Next Steps for Your Nursing Career"

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us. And when we bring what is within us out into the world, miracles happen. “

-Ralph Emerson

During nursing school you had to balance homework, a job, family, health, lack of sleep and stress. It took discipline, perseverance and commitment to complete nursing school. You did it!

You’ve worked hard and studied hard. Finally, the big day is approaching. Graduation day! In the next few weeks you’ll be walking across the stage to receive your diploma. As you move on to the next stage of your career, take some time to reflect on and enjoy this accomplishment.

The next step towards becoming an RN or LPN is passing the NCLEX. This can feel like a stressful hurdle. To help get you through it, we suggest you choose professional help with a NCLEX review course. This is a worthwhile investment. You’re going to spend time and money, so it’s important to choose the review course that’s best for you.

Things to Consider When Choosing an NCLEX Review Course

student support services

Learning Style. Do you prefer to learn in a live classroom setting with an instructor or do you have the necessary discipline to learn from an online review course? Some review courses have only one of these options while others combine the two with great results. You’ll want to consider your learning style as you select a review course.

Learning Needs. The most comprehensive review courses incorporate content and test taking strategies. The NCLEX is a very challenging test. Do you have a solid foundation in nursing concepts, principles, and the ability to apply that knowledge to NCLEX-style practice questions? Some review courses do an excellent job teaching test taking strategies, but fail to reinforce the content that a nurse absolutely must know to understand what the questions are asking. Look for a review course with an organized study plan presented by experienced instructors who can review core content and apply it to NCLEX questions. Don’t be too impressed with large Qbanks. When it comes to practice questions, it’s the QUALITY of the questions, not the quantity that matters.

Price. As a student, you may be on a tight budget. Many of the “big name” test prep companies charge a premium for their NCLEX review materials, but they may not provide the most value for your dollar. Look at the course offerings and compare prices to find a test prep solution that fits your needs and your budget. It’s about value for your dollar. Avoid paying top dollar simply because you recognize a big name. At the same time, don’t purchase an inexpensive course just because it is the most affordable. In the end, you might not get a complete review and will have to spend even more money on another review course.

Everyone at Feuer Nursing Review applauds your diligence and success in graduating from your nursing school program. And we’re here to support your efforts in preparing for your NCLEX exam. Remember, you don’t need to prep alone. There is help available. We believe in you! Best of luck in your future nursing career.

Explore Pharmacology NCLEX Review

a smiling nurse wearing a white coat and stethoscope,

Nurses and moms have one huge trait in common. They’re nurturers. Genetically, women are programmed to care for their children and families. The nursing profession has many of the same tasks involved. (Not that males don’t make amazing nurses – they do!) Perhaps that’s why it’s no coincidence that Mother’s Day and Nurses Week are aligned this year. To celebrate all nurses, moms, and moms who are nurses, we’d like to share some incredible stories with you.

Labor and Delivery Nurses

A team of dedicated labor and delivery nurses,

What better time to talk about how nurses help women become moms than Mother’s Day? Let’s face it ladies, giving birth is both beautiful and painful. Kara had  wonderful nurses during her delivery, which made a huge difference. By making sure Kara and her family were comfortable and well-cared for, Kara was able to welcome her daughter into the world surrounded by loving kindness. He whole delivery process became memorable for its beauty rather than any pain or trauma.

Mom and Daughter Nurses

A mother and daughter, both wearing nursing uniforms,

We all know it’s common for career choices to run in families. Although it’s not unusual for the children of a nurse to go into nursing themselves, the story of Betty and Sally Dowd takes this to another level. Not only are they both RNs, they work in the same hospital, on the same unit. In this case, geriatrics. Right now, they work a lot of the same shifts, too. It works for them. They’ve always been close and they know how to communicate with each other easily. It’s a tradition that’s likely to continue into the next generation. What a beautiful legacy to pass along!

Three Generations of Nurses

A photograph showing three generations of nurses

It’s been said that nursing isn’t a profession, it’s a calling. That’s certainly true for three generations of Brierlys. All three work in the same hospital. Grandma works in the breast center, mom works with cancer intakes, and daughter works with post-op patients. Although the three of them work in different units and on different shifts, they’re always there to support each other and their patients. A quick text between the three “please say a prayer for my patient” is all it takes to get the ball rolling. They don’t use names to protect HIPPA privacy, but they trust the prayers are going out for exactly who needs them.

This Mother’s Day, and every day, moms, nurses and moms who are also nurses – we salute you! Thank you for your care, compassion and devotion to others. Healthcare would not be the same without you!