Foreign-educated nurses face unique challenges when taking the NCLEX exam. The language barrier, different nursing practices, and the need to travel for the exam can all add to the stress of taking this important test. 

But don’t worry; there are things you can do to overcome these challenges and achieve your dream of becoming a nurse in the United States.

In this article, we will discuss the unique challenges faced by foreign-educated nurses taking the NCLEX exam and provide tips on how to overcome them.

Unique NCLEX Challenges Foreign Educated Nurses Face 

While the NCLEX is a difficult exam to tackle for everyone, foreign-educated nurses face some additional challenges. Some of them include: 

Language Proficiency

English is the language of the NCLEX, and even though foreign-educated nurses (FENs) must pass an English language proficiency exam to be eligible to take the NCLEX, many FENs still face challenges with language comprehension and expression. 

The NCLEX uses nursing terminology that may be unfamiliar to FENs due to differences in nursing education and practice in their home countries. 

Limited language proficiency can make it difficult to understand and answer test questions, as well as to communicate effectively with patients and other healthcare professionals in the United States.

Cultural Barriers

Foreign educated nurses are not familiar with American culture and customs, leading to misunderstandings and communication problems. 

The NCLEX exam also assesses nurses’ ability to communicate effectively with patients and other healthcare professionals. This can be a challenge for foreign-educated nurses, as they may need to adjust their communication style to conform to American cultural norms and expectations.

For example, in some cultures, it is considered rude to make direct eye contact or to speak loudly. However, in American culture, direct eye contact and a confident speaking voice are often seen as signs of professionalism.

Nursing Skills

The NCLEX exam covers a wide range of nursing skills, and foreign-educated nurses may need to update their skills and knowledge to meet the standards of American nursing practice. There are differences in the way that certain procedures are performed or in the types of medications that are used.

Foreign-educated nurses also need to become familiar with American healthcare technology and equipment. They may need to learn how to use electronic health records (EHRs) or computerized medication dispensing systems (CMDSs).

Need to Travel for the Exam

The NCLEX is offered at a limited number of testing centers outside of the United States. This means that FENs may have to travel long distances, possibly even crossing borders, to take the exam. 

The need to travel for the exam can be expensive and time-consuming, and it can add additional stress to the already challenging process of preparing for and taking the NCLEX.

How To Overcome NCLEX Challenges as a Foreign Educated Nurse?

Becoming a nurse in the United States as a foreign-educated nurse is a challenging journey, but it is not impossible. Internationally educated nurses make up 5.6% of the U.S nursing workforce. Here are a few steps you can take to overcome these challenges. 

Stress Management

Stress is a common companion on the NCLEX journey. To manage it effectively, try setting up a study schedule. Break your study sessions into smaller, more manageable parts. It’s also important to take regular breaks to prevent feeling overwhelmed. 

Engage in relaxation techniques, like deep breathing or meditation, to calm your nerves. Exercise and a healthy diet can also help manage stress.

Take an English Proficiency Exam

All NCLEX test-takers must demonstrate English language proficiency by passing the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). 

Find a Native Study Partner

Studying with a native English speaker can help you to improve your language skills and to become more familiar with American culture. 

A study partner can clarify medical terminology, explain challenging topics, and provide valuable insights into the language used in healthcare. Don’t hesitate to reach out to fellow students or join study groups to connect with potential study partners.

Understand the U.S Healthcare System

The U.S. healthcare system can be complex and confusing for foreign-educated nurses. It is important to familiarize yourself with the different types of healthcare providers, the roles of different team members, and the different types of healthcare settings. 

You can learn about the U.S. healthcare system by reading books and articles and talking to other nurses. The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) website has a section on the NCLEX exam that includes information about the U.S. healthcare system.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the Requirements for a Foreign Nurse To Work in the USA?

Foreign nurses must graduate, be licensed as a registered nurse, and have at least 2 years of work experience in their home country. They should also take the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) and pass the NCLEX-RN exam to work in the USA.

How Do I Ensure Myself To Be Culturally Competent?

To ensure cultural competence in the NCLEX, you should learn about American culture and the healthcare system, be aware of your own biases, and respect the beliefs and values of your patients.


With careful preparation and the right support, it is possible to overcome the challenges of the NCLEX and achieve your dream of becoming a nurse in the United States.

Feuer Nursing Review offers courses designed to help foreign-educated nurses prepare for the NCLEX exam. The courses include interactive lessons, practice questions, and access to native English speakers who can provide tutoring and support.

Don’t give up on your dream of becoming a nurse in the United States. Enroll in one of our courses today and see for yourself how we can help you succeed. 

Are you one of the countless students who find themselves wrestling with anxiety as the NCLEX exam date draws closer? The knots in your stomach, racing thoughts, and restless nights are all too familiar. 

We, the NCLEX prep experts at Feuer Nursing Review, understand the turmoil this test can bring but rest assured, you’re not alone in this journey. With experience in guiding students through their NCLEX endeavors, we’ve encountered the very struggles that may be keeping you up at night. 

In this article, we will delve into practical strategies to help you reduce that overwhelming test anxiety for NCLEX, ensuring a more confident approach on exam day. 

1. Create an Individualized Test-Taking Strategy

Everyone learns and tests differently. What works for one person may not work for another. That’s why it’s important to create an individualized test-taking strategy that helps you stay focused and confident during the exam.

To create a test-taking strategy, start by thinking about your strengths and weaknesses as a test-taker. Do you tend to rush through questions? Do you get stuck on difficult questions? 

Once you have a good understanding of your strengths and weaknesses, you can develop strategies to address them. Here are a few tips for creating a test-taking strategy:

2. Eat Well Before The Exam

Eating a healthy breakfast and lunch on the day of the exam will give you the energy and focus you need to perform your best. Avoid sugary foods and drinks, as they can cause your blood sugar levels to crash and leave you feeling tired and irritable. 

Avoid consuming excessive caffeine, which acts as a diuretic, as it may lead to unwanted restroom breaks and disrupt your focus. 

Instead, opt for complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, oatmeal, and fruits and vegetables. These foods will provide you with sustained energy throughout the exam.

3. Utilize Relaxation Techniques

Test anxiety can cause a variety of physical and emotional symptoms, such as racing heart, sweaty palms, and difficulty concentrating. Relaxation techniques can help to reduce these symptoms and improve your ability to focus during the exam.

Here are some relaxation techniques that you can use before and during the NCLEX to reduce test anxiety:

4. Repeat Positive Affirmations

Your mind is a powerful tool. Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations. Instead of thinking, “I can’t do this,” remind yourself, “I am well-prepared and capable.” 

Remind yourself of challenges you have overcome in your life and view the NCLEX exam as another challenge you are prepared to conquer. 

When anxiety creeps in, repeat these affirmations. According to research, positive self-affirmation improves problem-solving status under stressful conditions. It can also change your mindset and boost your confidence.

5. If You Don’t Know an Answer, Move On

One of the best ways to reduce anxiety on the NCLEX exam is to know when to move on from a question. You don’t have to answer every question on the NCLEX correctly to pass the exam.

The NCLEX exam is a computerized adaptive test, meaning that the difficulty of the questions changes based on your performance. If you get a question wrong, the next question will be easier. If you get a question right, the next question will be more difficult. This means that it is not worth spending a lot of time on a question that you don’t know the answer to. 

Dwelling on a difficult question can lead to anxiety and frustration, and it can also cause you to waste time on other questions that you could have answered correctly.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the Symptoms of Test Anxiety?

Symptoms of test anxiety include physical symptoms such as racing heart, sweaty palms, and difficulty breathing. Mental and emotional symptoms can be negative thoughts, difficulty concentrating, and feeling overwhelmed.

How Do I Build Confidence in NCLEX?

To build confidence in the NCLEX, prepare thoroughly by understanding the content areas, exam format, using practice questions, and developing a test-taking strategy. Also, focus on your strengths and seek help in areas where you need improvement.

How Can I Reduce Anxiety While Waiting For Results?

To reduce anxiety while waiting for results, focus on the things you can control, practice relaxation techniques, talk to someone you trust, avoid negative self-talk, and remember that everyone feels anxious sometimes.


Test anxiety is a common experience for nursing students, but it doesn’t have to define you. By following the strategies outlined in this article, you can learn how to manage your test anxiety and perform your best on the NCLEX.

If you’re looking for even more support, consider enrolling in Feuer Nursing Review’s content based NCLEX review course. Our courses are designed to reduce NCLEX test anxiety, instill self-confidence, and consistently deliver great results.

Visit our website today to learn more about our NCLEX content review course and sign up for a free consultation. We’re here to help you achieve your NCLEX goals!

Are you struggling to find the most effective way to conquer the NCLEX? As a future nurse, you know the stakes are high, and the pressure is real. The fear of forgetting crucial information or feeling unprepared on exam day can be overwhelming. 

As registered NCLEX test prep experts, we’ve helped hundreds of students pass the NCLEX and seen firsthand what works and what doesn’t. 

In this article, we’ll share with you the most effective NCLEX study methods that you can use to ace the exam.

Active NCLEX Study Methods

Active study methods are those that require you to engage with the material in a meaningful way. They help you better understand and retain the information. Some examples of active study methods include:

Research shows that individuals who apply active learning methods perform better in the NCLEX exams than those who learn passively. 

Passive NCLEX Study Methods

Passive study methods require less effort than active study methods. However, passive study methods are not as effective as active study methods for learning and retaining information. Some examples of passive study methods include:

Other NCLEX Study Methods

Other NCLEX study methods include studying in a group, visual learning, auditory learning, and kinesthetic learning. 

Learning With A Study Group

Studying with a group can be a great way to prepare for the NCLEX. It can help you to stay motivated, learn from each other, and identify any areas where you need to focus your studies.

One of the most important things to consider when forming a study group is to choose members who are committed to studying and who have similar learning styles. 

You should also make sure that the group is a good size. A group of 3-5 people is ideal, as this allows everyone to participate and to contribute.

Once you have formed your study group, you need to decide how often you will meet and what you will study. Be consistent with your meetings and to set realistic goals for each meeting. 

Visual Learning

Visual learning is a learning style in which people learn best by seeing information. Such learners prefer to use images, diagrams, and charts to learn new concepts. They may also find it helpful to create their own visual aids, such as flashcards, mind maps, and concept maps.

This method helps in the visualization of complex medical processes, structures, and pathologies, making it easier to grasp and remember the intricate details required for the NCLEX. 

Visual learning also promotes the ability to connect ideas, identify patterns, and recognize relationships between different nursing concepts. Additionally, it is particularly useful for understanding spatial relationships, anatomical structures, and diagnostic procedures. 

Auditory Learning

Auditory learning is a distinct NCLEX study method that harnesses the power of sound and hearing to facilitate comprehension and information retention. It appeals to individuals who thrive on auditory stimuli and learn best through listening. 

Research highlights that auditory learners demonstrate a strong ability to recall spoken information. This approach involves listening to educational podcasts, audio recordings of lectures, and participating in discussions or group study sessions where information is verbally exchanged.

Examples of auditory learning method include: 

Kinesthetic Learning

Kinesthetic learning is a method that suits folks who like to learn by doing and moving. It’s about hands-on experience and being active during studying. 

In NCLEX prep, this might mean practicing nursing skills in a lab or at a clinical setting, like taking blood pressure or administering injections. Role-playing is also useful for practicing NCLEX questions. 

Kinesthetic learners could make physical models or props to understand complex ideas better. Sometimes, they might even walk around while studying to keep their focus. This way, they learn by moving and doing, which can help them remember things when it’s time for the NCLEX test.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which NCLEX Study Method Is the Best?

Active study method for the NCLEX is better than passive studying. But for some students, other methods such as visual, auditory, or kinesthetic methods work better. 

What Is the Difference Between Active Recall and Passive Studying?

Active recall involves testing yourself on the material you are trying to learn, while passive studying involves simply reading or reviewing the material. Active recall is more effective because it forces you to engage with the information and to think about it critically.


Now that you have a better understanding of the different NCLEX study methods, you can choose the ones that work best for you. Remember, the most important thing is to be consistent with your studies and to start preparing early. 

If you’re looking for a comprehensive and effective NCLEX review course, Feuer Nursing Review is the right choice for you. Our course covers all of the essential NCLEX topics, and our experienced instructors will help you to develop the skills and knowledge you need to succeed on the exam.

Click here to learn more about Feuer Nursing Review NCLEX courses and sign up for one today. 

The Future of Nursing Education

Nurses are the backbone of healthcare, providing essential care to patients and their families. But as the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, so too must nursing education.

The challenges faced by nursing education today are as diverse as the patients they serve, from outdated curricula to the shortage of qualified educators. Yet, amidst these obstacles, a beacon of hope shines through – the promising trends that are redefining the future of nursing education. 

This article explores the current challenges in nursing education and the foreseeable trends that are shaping its future and improving the quality of nursing education. 

Current Challenges in Nursing Education

On the one hand, the demand for nurses is soaring, thanks to an aging population and the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases. On the other hand, nursing schools are struggling to keep up with the demand due to a shortage of faculty and rising costs.

But these challenges also present an opportunity to rethink nursing education and make it more responsive to the needs of the 21st-century healthcare system.

Shortage of Nursing Faculty

The shortage of nursing faculty is a major challenge for nursing education. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) reported that in 2022, there were over 2,100 vacant nursing faculty positions in the United States. 

The shortage is due to a number of factors, including: 

Rising Cost of Nursing Education

The cost of nursing education has been rising steadily in recent years. The cost of tuition at all levels of education has been rising in recent years. Nursing education is no exception.

The demand for nursing education has increased in recent years due to the nursing shortage and the aging population. This increased demand has driven up the cost of nursing education.

Government funding for nursing education has also decreased in recent years. This has led to nursing schools having to rely more on tuition revenue to cover their costs.

Changing Healthcare Landscape

The healthcare landscape is constantly changing due to advances in technology, changes in patient demographics, and new healthcare policies. This changing landscape presents a number of challenges for nursing education.

One challenge is that nursing schools need to keep their curricula up-to-date to reflect the changing needs of the healthcare system. This can be difficult and expensive, especially for smaller nursing schools.

Another challenge is that nursing schools need to prepare students for a wider range of healthcare settings. In the past, most nurses worked in hospitals. However, today, nurses are working in a variety of settings, including clinics, schools, and homes. 

Nursing Education Technology Is The Future

Technology is playing an increasingly important role in nursing education. Telehealth, robotics, online learning, and automation are all having a major impact on the way that nurses are educated. 

Online Shift

Online nursing education has become increasingly popular in recent years, and this trend is expected to continue in the future. Nursing programs taught online offer a number of advantages over traditional brick-and-mortar programs, including:

Focus on Telehealth Skills

Telehealth is the use of technology to provide healthcare services remotely. Telehealth is becoming increasingly popular, and nurses are playing a key role in providing telehealth services.

Nursing education programs are beginning to focus on preparing students for telehealth practice. This includes teaching students the skills they need to use telehealth technology, such as video conferencing and electronic health records. 

Additionally, nursing education programs are teaching students how to provide effective nursing care remotely.

Robotics and Automation

Robotics and automation are playing an increasing role in the healthcare industry. Robots are being used to perform a variety of tasks, such as delivering medications, dispensing supplies, and assisting with surgery.

Nurses are working alongside robots and automated systems to provide patient care. Nurses are responsible for programming and operating robots, and they also monitor the robots to ensure that they are functioning properly.

Nursing education programs are beginning to teach students about robotics and automation. This is due to the growing importance of robotics and automation in the healthcare industry.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can We Improve the Future of Nursing Education?

We can improve the future of nursing education by modernizing curricula, increasing faculty support, and embracing technology for simulation and remote learning.

What Impact Nurses Will Have on the World in the Future?

In the future, nurses will continue to play a pivotal role in healthcare, with expanded responsibilities in patient advocacy, telemedicine, research, and leadership, contributing to improved global health outcomes.


The future of nursing education is bright, with promising trends such as online learning, telehealth, and robotics and automation shaping its trajectory.

Feuer Nursing Review is contributing to future trends in nursing education by providing students with access to high-quality, innovative online learning resources. Our courses feature personalized learning and adaptive learning technology to equip you with skills needed in the future healthcare landscape. 

Enroll in the course of your choice from NCLEX live online review course, self-paced online course, and home study courses today. 

Older graduates face unique challenges when studying for the NCLEX, but with a well-planned study approach, they can increase their chances of success.

Your study plan should include an assessment of the starting point, a realistic study schedule, the right study resources, and staying motivated along the way. 

This article explains why you need a study plan, how to make it, and some insider study tips from NCLEX instructors for older graduates. 

Challenges Older Graduates Face When Studying for the NCLEX

The NCLEX is a notoriously difficult exam, and it can be even more daunting for older graduates. For one, you may be competing against younger students who have just finished nursing school and have their knowledge fresh in their minds. You may also have other commitments, such as family or a job, that make it difficult to find time to study.

One of the biggest challenges older graduates face is the sheer volume of information they need to learn for the NCLEX. The exam covers a wide range of nursing topics, from anatomy and physiology to pharmacology and pathophysiology. If you’ve been out of school for a while, it can be tough to cram all of this information back into your brain.

Older graduates may also face ageism and discrimination. Some people may assume that older students are less capable of learning or that they’re not as technologically savvy. This can be discouraging and can make it difficult to stay motivated.

Despite all of these challenges, older graduates can and do pass the NCLEX. It’s just important to be aware of the obstacles you’re likely to face and to have a plan for overcoming them.

Why Do You Need a Well-Planned NCLEX Study Plan as an Older Graduate?

You need a well-planned NCLEX study plan for the following reasons: 

How to Create the Best Study Plan for Older Graduates?

Embarking on the journey to become a licensed nurse via the NCLEX examination can be a daunting task, especially for those who have been out of school for a while. For older graduates, the key to NCLEX’s success lies in designing a well-thought-out study plan. 

Here are a few tips to help you create your plan. 

Assessing Your Starting Point

Before you dive headfirst into your NCLEX study plan, take the time to thoroughly evaluate your starting point. An honest self-assessment is crucial for setting the right direction.

Start by meticulously reviewing the NCLEX test plan, breaking down the topics it covers. Identify areas where you feel confident and those where you need more attention.

Take advantage of diagnostic assessments, which are often available through online resources or NCLEX prep courses. These tests help pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses.

Recognize that, as an older graduate, your prior knowledge and professional experience are valuable assets. Acknowledge areas where your real-world experience aligns with NCLEX content.

Creating a Realistic Study Schedule

Since you have numerous commitments to balance, you need to design a pragmatic study schedule. Break down your study plan into manageable goals. Determine how many hours per day or week you can realistically allocate to NCLEX preparation, taking into account work, family, and other responsibilities.

Consistency in your study routine is crucial. Establish specific study times and adhere to them as closely as possible to build a sustainable habit.

Allocate more time to subjects in which you feel less confident while still revisiting the stronger areas. Regularly adjust your schedule based on your progress.

Selecting the Right Study Materials

Choosing the appropriate study materials is a pivotal step in your NCLEX preparation. Aim to assemble a comprehensive toolkit.

Invest in reputable NCLEX review books that align with the latest test plan. These comprehensive resources provide a solid foundation for your studies.

Explore online platforms and live courses explicitly designed for NCLEX preparation. They offer interactive quizzes, video lectures, and comprehensive study guides. Reinforce your understanding and improve retention with practice questions and flashcards regularly to get the best results out of your course

Staying Motivated and Focused

Maintaining motivation and focus throughout your NCLEX preparation journey can be challenging. To keep your flames burning, implement a rewards system for achieving study milestones. Treat yourself when you meet your daily objectives to maintain motivation for long-term goals.

We also recommend incorporating mindfulness and stress reduction techniques into your daily routine to manage anxiety and sustain concentration during study sessions.

You can also maintain a study journal to track your progress. Visualizing how far you’ve come can bolster your confidence and motivation.

Bonus NCLEX Study Plan Tips for Older Graduates

Feuer Nursing Review has helped many older graduates pass the exam on their first try. Here are a few bonus tips we have for you: 

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Do I Need To Study for NCLEX?

You need to study for a dedicated period of at least 6–8 weeks for comprehensive preparation. The exact duration required to prepare for the NCLEX will vary based on your prior knowledge, study habits, and personal commitments.

How Do I Create an NCLEX Study Plan?

To create an effective NCLEX study plan, assess your knowledge to set realistic goals, choose appropriate study materials, and employ active learning techniques. Adapt the plan to your strengths and weaknesses, aiming for consistency and balance.


Creating a pass-guaranteed NCLEX study plan is essential for older graduates, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming.

Feuer Nursing Review offers a comprehensive NCLEX live online course designed to help older graduates succeed. Our course features interactive quizzes, video lectures, and comprehensive study guides taught by experienced and passionate faculty. 

Our faculty have extensive clinical and teaching experience, and they are dedicated to helping you master the material and pass the exam on your first try. Enroll today by clicking here and start your journey to becoming a licensed nurse!


Navigating through a maze of information regarding the NCLEX exam’s April 2023 changes can be overwhelming. Whether you’re a nursing student preparing for your first attempt or a foreign-educated nurse enrolled in a refresher course, the confusion is understandable. That’s where Feuer Nursing Review steps in. We’ve created this one-page comprehensive guide to serve as a resource for faculty and students. It aims to clarify what these changes mean and how they should inform your test preparation strategy.

The Big Picture: What’s Already Changed?

As of April 2023, the NCLEX underwent significant modifications, primarily focusing on the scoring system. Many students and faculty have encountered conflicting information, causing concern about its impact on the NCLEX pass rate and the best approaches to NCLEX practice questions.

Minimum and Maximum Questions: Previously, the NCLEX-RN had a minimum of 75 questions and a maximum of 265. Now, the range has tightened, requiring candidates to answer a minimum of 85 questions and a maximum of 150. This change reflects an attempt to make the exam more focused and concise.

Time Limit: The exam’s time allocation has also changed. Candidates now have up to five hours to complete it. This adjustment aims to reduce test fatigue and improve overall performance.

Enhanced Scoring Methods: Before, the exam mainly used a dichotomous scoring system, where you either got a question right or wrong. Now, it employs various scoring methods intended to gauge your clinical judgment skills in a nuanced manner.

Passing Standards

Understanding the revamped scoring system is crucial for an effective test-taking strategy. Here’s what you need to know:

95% Confidence Interval Rule

What It Means: The NCLEX uses a Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) system to tailor the exam to your skill level. Under the 95% Confidence Interval Rule, the computer will end your exam when it is 95% certain that your ability is above or below the passing standard.

Example: Let’s say you’ve answered 100 questions, and based on your responses, the computer calculates that there is a 95% likelihood that you are above the passing threshold. At this point, the exam will end, and you will pass.

Maximum-Length Exam Rule

What It Means: If you’ve answered all 150 questions, your scores near the passing standard will decide your exam result.

Example: If you’ve answered all 150 questions and your ability level is rocking around the passing standard, the computer will consider your consistency near that level to determine if you pass or fail.

Run-Out-of-Time (ROOT) Rule

What It Means: If you do not manage to answer at least 85 questions within the allocated five hours, you will automatically fail the exam.

Example: If you’ve only answered 80 questions and your time runs out, you’ll fail, regardless of how well you’ve done on those 80 questions.

Tip for Tackling NCLEX Practice Questions: One approach to manage time better is to allocate an average time you should spend per question.

New Scoring Methods

Polytomous Scoring

In a departure from traditional dichotomous scoring, which only allowed for a question to be marked as right or wrong, the NCLEX now employs polytomous scoring. Under this scoring method, you may receive partial credit for questions with more than one correct answer. This enables a more accurate measurement of clinical judgment skills.

Three Scoring Methods

Understanding the scoring methods can significantly influence how you tackle NCLEX practice questions:

0/1 Scoring: These are your conventional true/false or multiple-choice questions. Please refer to the examples below for 0/1 scoring in multiple-question formats.

+/- Scoring: This extends the polytomous scoring system. It permits partial credit, earning points even if you don’t get the entire question right. For example, if a question asks for the best two interventions and you get one correct, you’ll receive partial credit.

Rationale Scoring: This scoring method demands that you provide reasoning for your choice. These questions aim to foster a deeper understanding and assess your capability for clinical reasons. You either get the question entirely correct or incorrect.

NCLEX Results and Quick Results Service

The wait for your official NCLEX results can be nerve-wracking, but some states offer a quick results service that provides unofficial scores within 48 hours. Although these are not your final scores, they can alleviate stress as you await your official NCLEX results.

How Feuer Nursing Review Can Assist You in Your NCLEX Exam Journey

While we don’t provide NCLEX tutoring services, Feuer Nursing Review offers comprehensive NCLEX review courses designed to navigate the April 2023 changes. These NCLEX-RN courses have been tailored to help you achieve a high NCLEX pass rate and are equipped with various resources, including NCLEX practice questions and expert guidance.

Are you feeling overwhelmed with your NCLEX preparation? Or perhaps you’re a foreign educated nurse, newly emigrated to the U.S., wrestling with the NCLEX exam’s complexity? You’re not alone, and we at Feuer Nursing Review are here to help you increase your NCLEX pass rate.

Why Choose Feuer’s Live Online NCLEX Review Course?

Aligned with the Latest NCLEX Changes: Our course fully complies with the 2023-2026 NCLEX-RN® Test Plan. It incorporates Next-Gen NCLEX® (NGN) unfolding case studies and standalone NCLEX questions, making it a comprehensive NCLEX review designed for your success.

Personalized NCLEX RN Learning with Live Instruction: Our engaging 4-day live online instruction via Zoom is led by experienced nursing educators who understand the NCLEX exam inside-out, helping alleviate your test anxiety.

Flexible and Extended NCLEX Preparation: Get 2-month access to class recordings and a self-paced online course to help you better tackle NCLEX practice questions at your convenience.

Optimized NCLEX Study Plans: We offer 2-week, 30-day, and 60-day study calendars to enhance your approach to NCLEX questions and improve your NCLEX pass rate.

Comprehensive NCLEX Learning Materials: Reinforce your NCLEX RN preparation with three printed books and a wealth of resources from the course.

Master NCLEX Strategies with our NCLEX-RN® Q-Bank: Our question bank features over 2,100 NCLEX practice questions, ensuring you are thoroughly prepared for the types of questions you’ll encounter in the NCLEX exam.

Whether preparing for your first NCLEX exam or taking a foreign educated nurse refresher course, Feuer’s Live Online Course provides the resources, strategies, and emotional support to help you succeed. Aim for those quick NCLEX results confidently, knowing you’ve prepared with one of the best NCLEX review courses available.

Clarity for Foreign Educated Nurses

If you’re a foreign-educated nurse participating in a refresher course, the NCLEX RN exam can be incredibly daunting due to unfamiliarity with the U.S. healthcare system or the new exam structure. Our NCLEX review program addresses these challenges, aiming to fill educational gaps and equip you for success in the NCLEX exam.

Why Faculty Should Care

These new changes aren’t just important for students and have significant implications for educators. Faculty members must adjust their curriculum and advisement strategies to align with the new NCLEX format and scoring. Understanding these changes will empower you to guide your students more effectively, positively impacting their NCLEX pass rate.


Navigating the complex landscape of Next-Gen NCLEX can be challenging. However, with Feuer Nursing Review’s expertly designed NCLEX review courses, you’re not navigating these changes alone. Whether you are a student looking for NCLEX practice questions or faculty aiming to adapt your curriculum, this guide aims to be your definitive resource for mastering the updated exam.

By integrating these details and keywords, your blog post will serve as an exhaustive one-stop resource for anyone looking to understand the recent changes in the NCLEX exam.