The NCLEX exam plays a pivotal role in your journey to becoming a registered nurse, and your choice of preparation can significantly impact your success. 

When it comes to NCLEX Live Online Review Courses, making the most of the resources is paramount. So, how can you ensure the best results from such a course? 

This article explains some key strategies that will empower you to excel in your NCLEX preparations, from selecting the right course to optimizing your study approach. 

What to Look for in an NCLEX Live Online Review Course?

When preparing for the NCLEX exam through a live online review course, it’s crucial to consider several key factors. Firstly, assess the course’s reputation and credentials. Look for programs endorsed by nursing organizations or reputable institutions, as these are more likely to offer quality content.

You also need to consider the course’s schedule and flexibility. Ensure it aligns with your availability, allowing you to attend live sessions or access recorded ones, catering to your unique learning style. Seek reviews and testimonials from previous students to gauge their success rates and overall satisfaction with the course.

Additionally, interactive elements such as Q&A sessions, discussion forums, and access to experienced instructors can greatly enhance your understanding and address specific questions or concerns. 

Ensure the program offers comprehensive study materials, including practice exams, study guides, and up-to-date content that matches the current NCLEX exam format.

What You Should Do to Get The Best Results Out of NCLEX Review Course?

Taking an NCLEX review course can be a great way to prepare for the NCLEX exam, but it’s important to make the most of your time. By following the tips below, you can get the best results from your NCLEX review course. 

Before the Course

Before you start your NCLEX live review course, there are a few things you can do to get the best results and set yourself up for success.

During the Course

During the live NCLEX review course, make sure you do the following to get the best results out of your experience.

After the Course

Once you have completed the course, it’s time to retain your knowledge and apply it to real-world scenarios. We suggest you do the following to get the best results out of your live NCLEX review course: 

Frequently Asked Questions?

What Is the Best Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX Exam?

The best comprehensive review for the NCLEX exam is one that covers all of the topics that are tested on the exam and is taught by experienced and qualified instructors. Feuer Nursing Review offers a comprehensive NCLEX live online review course that provides students with all the tools and resources they need to succeed.

Why Should I Take an NCLEX Live Online Review Course?

You should take an NCLEX live online review course because it is a convenient, flexible, and affordable way to prepare for NCLEX. It allows you to interact with the instructor and other students in real-time and provides personalized attention, various resources, and a supportive learning environment.


Taking an NCLEX live online review course can be a great way to prepare for the exam and increase your chances of success. 

If you are looking for a comprehensive and effective NCLEX live online review course, consider Feuer Nursing Review. With our comprehensive course content, experienced instructors, and interactive learning environment, you’ll be well-equipped to ace the NCLEX exam and launch your nursing career with confidence.

Click here to sign up for a Feuer Nursing Review NCLEX live online review course today and start preparing the way you should. 

If you have failed the NCLEX multiple times, studying for it all over again is challenging, but it’s definitely possible to pass it. As NCLEX prep experts, we have seen thousands of people fail the exam every year, but with the right study strategies, most pass the next time. 

If you’ve failed the NCLEX multiple times, you need time to reflect on your study habits, identify areas where you can improve, and develop a more targeted study plan.

This article explains why you might’ve failed the NCLEX in your previous attempt and how to modify your study patterns to ace the exam this time. 

Why Do Students Fail the NCLEX?

There are many reasons why students fail the NCLEX. According to the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN), the first-time pass rate for the NCLEX-RN in 2023 was 87.6% for first-time test takers. This means that over 12% of students failed the NCLEX on their first attempt.

Here are a few of the most common reasons why students fail the NCLEX:

Picking Yourself Up After Failing the NCLEX

Failing the NCLEX is a temporary stumble on your path to becoming a nurse and does not tag you as an incapable healthcare professional. In fact, many of today’s great nurses had to take the exam more than once before getting their license.

Give yourself time to process your disappointment, and reach out to friends, family, or a support network for comfort.

Next, take your time to assess what went wrong. Review your test results and identify your weak areas. Statistics show that about 70% of students who retake the NCLEX pass on their second try, especially if they focus on these weak points. 

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

Stay persistent and positive. You’ve invested so much in your nursing career; don’t let one exam define your abilities. Keep studying, practicing, and believing you have the resilience and determination to succeed.

Developing a Personalized NCLEX Retake Study Plan

If you have failed the NCLEX multiple times, you must do the following to develop a personalized study plan. 

Step 1: Identify Your Weaknesses

To identify your potential weaknesses, review your NCLEX results, analyze them carefully, and identify the areas where you scored the lowest. 

Look for patterns in the types of questions you missed. For example, did you miss a lot of questions about a particular subject? Or did you have trouble with questions that required you to apply critical thinking skills?

Step 2: List Down Topics To Review

Once you understand your weaknesses well, you can start creating a list of topics you need to review. Include a variety of topics from all areas of the NCLEX test content and focus on the topics you struggled with the most.

You may want to group the topics by subject area (e.g., medical-surgical nursing, psychiatric nursing, etc.) or difficulty level (e.g., easy, medium, hard). This can help you break down the material into smaller, more manageable chunks.

Step 3: Set Realistic Goals

When creating your study plan, be sure to set realistic goals. Don’t try to cram everything in at the last minute. Instead, break down the material into smaller chunks and schedule regular study sessions.

A good rule of thumb is to study for at least two hours daily, five days a week. If you can, study for longer periods on the weekends.

Step 4: Choose The Right Study Materials

Many different NCLEX study materials are available; find a combination that works best for you. You may want to use textbooks, review books, online resources, or even a tutor.

If using textbooks, highlight important concepts and make notes in the margins. Use review books to get a quick overview of topics you know well, and practice previously tested questions to assess your knowledge. Find practice questions, study guides, and other NCLEX preparation materials through live or self-paced online courses.

If you are struggling with a particular topic, you may want to consider hiring a tutor. A good tutor can help you identify weaknesses, develop a study plan, and answer questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is It Common To Fail NCLEX?

Yes, it is common to fail the NCLEX on the first attempt. In 2023, the overall first-time pass rate for the NCLEX-RN was 83.6%, meaning that over 16% of students failed the exam on their first try. 

Does NCLEX Get Harder the More Times You Take It?

No, the NCLEX does not get harder the more times you take it. It is a computer-adaptive test that adjusts the difficulty of questions based on your performance.

What Is the Hardest Part of the NCLEX?

The hardest part of the NCLEX is the critical thinking and problem-solving questions that require application of nursing concepts to real-world scenarios. They have multiple possible answers, and you need to choose the best answer(s) based on the evidence and information presented in the clinical scenario.

Books vs. Online Courses: Which is Right for You?

The best way to study for the NCLEX after you’ve failed it multiple times is what works best for you. If you are a visual learner, you may prefer online courses. But if you are a hands-on learner, books might work better.

If you are looking for an effective way to prepare, Feuer Nursing Review can help. We offer various tried-and-tested exam resources, including live and self-paced online courses, expert advice and tips. 

Our materials are based on the latest NCLEX test plan and are designed to help you learn and retain the information you need to pass the exam. Click here to learn more about how we can help you succeed on the NCLEX and achieve your dream of becoming a nurse.